

F. Pratesi, M. Burresi, F. Riboli, K. Vynck, D.S. Wiersma, Disordered photonic structures for light harvesting in solar cells, Optics Express , Vol 221 page A460 (2013) (pdf)
M. Burresi, F. Pratesi, K. Vynck, M. Prasciolu, M. Tormen, D.S. Wiersma, Two-dimensional disorder for broadband, omnidirectional and polarization-insensitive absorption, Optics Express , Vol 221 page A268 (2013) (pdf)
T. Svensson, R. Savo, E. Alerstam, K. Vynck, M. Burresi, D.S. Wiersma, Holey random walks: Optics of heterogeneous turbid composites, Physical Review E, Vol 87 page 022120 (2013) (pdf)
T. Svensson, R. Savo, E. Alerstam, K. Vynck, M. Burresi, D.S. Wiersma, Exploiting breakdown of the similarity relation for diffuse light transport: simultaneous retrieval of scattering anisotropy and diffusion constant, Optics Letters, Vol 38 page 437 (2013) (pdf)


K. Vynck, M. Burresi, F. Riboli, D. S. Wiersma, Photon management in two-dimensional disordered media, Nature Materials, Vol 11 page 1017 (pdf)
T. Svensson, E. Adolfsson, M. Burresi, R. Savo, C. Xu, D. S. Wiersma, S. Svanberg, Pore size assessment based on wall collision broadening of spectral lines of confined gas: experiments on strongly scattering nanoporous ceramics with fine-tuned pore sizes, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics (online first, doi 10.1007/s00340-012-5011-z) (pdf)
M. Burresi, V. Radhalakshmi, R. Savo, J. Bertolotti, K. Vynck, D. S. Wiersma, Weak Localization of Light in Superdiffusive Random Systems, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 108 page 110604 (pdf)
R. Mupparapu, K. Vynck, I. Malfanti, S. Vignolini, M. Burresi, P. Scudo, R. Fusco, D. S. Wiersma, Enhanced downconversion of UV light by resonant scattering of aluminum nanoparticles, Optics Letters , Vol. 37 page 368-370 (pdf)


P. D. Garcia, R. Sapienza, C. Toninelli, C. Lopez, D. S. Wiersma, Photonic crystals with controlled disorder, Physical Review A , Vol. 84 page 023813 (pdf)
S. Vignolini, F. Intonti, F. Riboli, D. S. Wiersma, L. Balet, L. H. Li, M. Francardi, A. Gerardino, A. Fiore, M. Gurioli, Simultaneous near field imaging of electric and magnetic field in photonic crystal nanocavities, Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications , In press (pdf)
F. Intonti, F. Riboli, N. Caselli, M. Abbarchi, S. Vignolini, D. S. Wiersma, A. Vinattieri, D. Gerace, L. Balet, L. H. Li, M. Francardi, A. Gerardino, A. Fiore, and M. Gurioli, Young's Type Interference for Probing the Mode Symmetry in Photonic Structures, Physical Review Letters , Vol. 106 page 143901 (pdf)
F. Riboli, P. Barthelemy, S. Vignolini, F. Intonti, A. De Rossi, S. Combrie, D. S. Wiersma, Anderson localization of near-visible light in two dimensions, Optics Letters , Vol. 36 page 127-129 (pdf)


Jacopo Bertolotti, Kevin Vynck, Diederik S. Wiersma, Multiple scattering of light in superdiffusive media , Physical Review Letters , Vol. 105 page 163902 (pdf)
Silvia Vignolini, Francesca Intonti, Francesco Riboli, Laurent Balet, Lianhe H. Li, Marco Francardi, Annamaria Gerardino, Andrea Fiore, Diederik S. Wiersma and Massimo Gurioli, Magnetic Imaging in Photonic Crystal Microcavities , Physical Review Letters , Vol. 105 page 123902 (pdf)
Silvia Vignolini, Francesco Riboli, Francesca Intonti, Diederik S. Wiersma, Laurent Balet, Lianhe H. Li, Marco Francardi, Annamaria Gerardino, Andrea Fiore and Massimo Gurioli, Mode hybridization in photonic crystal molecules , Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 97 page 063101 (pdf)
Pierre Barthelemy, Jacopo Bertolotti, Kevin Vynck, Stefano Lepri, Diederik S. Wiersma, Role of quenching on superdiffusive transport in two-dimensional random media, Physical Review E., Vol. 82 page 011101 (pdf)
Silvia Vignolini, Matteo Burresi, Stefano Gottardo, L. Kuipers, and Diederik S. Wiersma, Observation of vortices and field correlations in the near-field speckle of a three-dimensional photonic crystal, Optics Letters, Vol. 35 page 2001 (pdf)
Silvia Vignolini, Francesco Riboli, Diederik S. Wiersma, Laurent Balet, Lianhe H. Li, Marco Francardi, Annamaria Gerardino, Andrea Fiore, Massimo Gurioli, and Francesca Intonti, Nanofluidic control of coupled photonic crystal resonators, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 94 page 141114 (pdf)
Jacopo Bertolotti, Kevin Vynck, Lorenzo Pattelli, Pierre Barthelemy, Stefano Lepri, Diederik S. Wiersma, Engineering disorder in superdiffusive Lévy glasses, Advanced Functional Materials, Vol. 20 page 965 (pdf)


Alexandra Ledermann, Diederik S. Wiersma, Martin Wegener, and Georg von Freymann, Multiple scattering of light in three-dimensional photonic quasicrystals, Optics Express, to be published
F. Scotognella, D. P. Puzzo, A. Monguzzi, D. S. Wiersma, D. Maschke, R. Tubino, Geoffrey A. Ozin, Nanoparticle 1D Photonic-Crystal Dye Laser, Small, to be published
P. D. Garcia, M. Ibisate, R. Sapienza, D. S. Wiersma, and C. Lopez, Mie resonances to tailor random lasers, Phys. Rev. A Vol. 80 page 013833
D. S. Wiersma, Random Lasers Explained?, Nature Photonics Vol. 3 page 246
F. Intonti, S. Vignolini, F. Riboli, M. Zani, D. S. Wiersma, L. Balet, L. H. Li, M. Francardi, A. Gerardino, A. Fiore, and M. Gurioli, Tuning of photonic crystal cavities by controlled removal of locally infiltrated water, Applied Physics Letters Vol. 95 page 173112 (pdf)
S. Vignolini, F. Intonti, F. Riboli, D. S. Wiersma, L. Balet, L. H. Li, M. Francardi, A. Gerardino, A. Fiore, and M. Gurioli, Polarization-sensitive near-field investigation of photonic crystal microcavities, Applied Physics Letters Vol. 94 page 163102 (pdf)
S. Vignolini, F. Intonti, F. Riboli, M. Zani, D. S. Wiersma, L. Balet, L. H. Li, M. Francardi, A. Gerardino, A. Fiore, and M. Gurioli Near-field imaging of coupled photonic crystal microcavities, Applied Physics Letters Vol. 94 page 151103 (pdf)


S. Vignolini, F. Riboli, F. Intonti, M. Belotti, M. Gurioli, Y. Chen, M. Colocci, L. C. Andreani and D. S. Wiersma, Local nanofluidic light sources in silicon photonic crystal microcavities, Physical Review E Vol. 78 page 045603(R) (pdf)
C. Toninelli, E. Vekris, G. A. Ozin, S. John, and D. S. Wiersma, Exceptional Reduction of the Diffusion Constant in Partially Disordered Photonic Crystals, Physical Review Letters Vol. 101 page 123901 (pdf)
P.D. García, R. Sapienza, J. Bertolotti, M.D. Martín, A. Altube, L. Viña, D.S. Wiersma and C. López, Resonant light transport through Mie modes in photonic glasses, Physical Review A Vol. 78 page 023823 (pdf)
S. Vignolini, F. Intonti, L. Balet, M. Zani, F. Riboli, A. Vinattieri, D. S. Wiersma, M. Colocci, L. Li, M. Francardi, A. Gerardino, A. Fiore and M. Gurioli, Nonlinear optical tuning of photonic crystal microcavities by near-field probe, Applied Physics Letter Vol. 93 page 023124 (pdf)
F. Intonti, S. Vignolini, F. Riboli, A. Vinattieri, D. S. Wiersma, M. Colocci, L. Balet, C. Monat, C. Zinoni, L. Li, R. Houdré, M. Francardi, A. Gerardino, A. Fiore and M. Gurioli, Spectral tuning and near-field imaging of photonic crystal microcavities, Physical Review B Vol. 78 page 041401(R) (pdf)
S. Gottardo, R. Sapienza, P.D. García, A. Blanco, D.S. Wiersma, and C. López, Resonance-driven random lasing, Nature Photonics Vol. 2 page 429 (pdf)
P. Barthelemy, J. Bertolotti, and D.S. Wiersma, A Lévy flight for light, Nature Vol. 453 page 495 (pdf)
D.S. Wiersma, The Physics and Applications of Random Lasers, Nature Physics Vol. 4 page 359 (pdf)
D.S. Wiersma, Light reined in, Nature Vol. 452 page 942
M. Ghulinyan, Z. Gaburro, L. Pavesi, P. Barthelemy, C. Toninelli, D.S. Wiersma, Dynamics of capillary condensation in bistable optical superlattices Physical Review B Vol. 77 page 115354 (pdf)
D. S. Wiersma, Controlling photons with light, Nature Photonics Vol. 2 page 136 (pdf)
F. Intonti, S. Vignolini, F. Riboli, A. Vinattieri, D.S. Wiersma, M. Colocci, M. Gurioli, L. Balet, C. Monat, L.H. Li, N. Le Thomas, R. Houdre, A. Fiore, M. Francardi, A. Gerardino, F. Roemer, B. Witzigmann , Near-field mapping of quantum dot emission from single-photonic crystal cavity modes, Physica E Vol. 40 page 1965 (pdf)
S. Vignolini, F. Intonti, M. Colocci, D.S. Wiersma, Fotonica Liquida , Le Scienze Vol. 474 page 100 (pdf)


P. Barthelemy, M. Ghulinyan, Z. Gaburro, C. Toninelli, L. Pavesi, D.S. Wiersma, Optical Switching by Capillary Condensation,  Nature Photonics Vol 1. page 172-175 (pdf)
D.S. Wiersma, Making Lasers from Dust, Photonics Spectra Vol. 41 page 70
R. Sapienza, P.D. Garcia, J. Bertolotti, M.D. Martin, A. Blanco, L. Vina, C. Lopez, D.S. Wiersma, Observation of resonant behavior in the energy velocity of diffused light, Physical Review Letters Vol. 99 page 233902 (pdf)
M. Ghulinyan, Z. Gaburro, L. Pavesi, C.J. Oton, N. Capuj, R. Sapienza, C. Toninelli, P. Costantino, and D.S. Wiersma, Optical superlattices: where photons behave like electrons, J. Opt. Res. Vol. 10 page 5
Sushil Mujumdar, Volker Türck, Renato Torre, and Diederik S. Wiersma, Chaotic behavior of a random laser with static disorder, Physical Review A Vol. 76 page 033807 (pdf)
Francesca Intonti, Silvia Vignolini, Marcello Colocci, and Diederik Wiersma, Photonic crystals: photons flow in liquid circuits, Laser focus world (cover story), August issue (pdf)
J.E. Lye, L. Fallani, C. Fort, V. Guarrera, M. Modugno, D.S. Wiersma, and M. Inguscio, Effect of interactions on the localization of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a quasiperiodic lattice, Physical Review A Vol. 75 page 061603 (pdf)
Stefano Lepri, Stefano Cavalieri, Gian-Luca Oppo, and Diederik S. Wiersma, Statistical regimes of random laser fluctuations, Physical Review A Vol. 75 page 063820 (pdf)
M. Ghulinyan, Z. Gaburro, D. S. Wiersma, and L. Pavesi, Vapor control of resonant Zener tunneling of light in a photonic crystal, Physica Status Solidi (a) Vol. 204 page 1351


S. Gottardo, M. Burresi, F. Geobaldo, L. Pallavidino, F. Giorgis, D.S. Wiersma, Self-alignment of liquid crystals in three-dimensional photonic crystals, Physical Review E Vol. 74 page 040702 (pdf)
J. Bertolotti, M. Galli, R. Sapienza, M. Ghulinyan, S. Gottardo, L.C. Andreani, L. Pavesi, D.S. Wiersma, Wave transport in random systems: Multiple resonance character of necklace modes and their statistical behavior, Physical Review E Vol. 74 page 035602 (pdf)
M. Ghulinyan, M. Galli, C. Toninelli, J. Bertolotti, S. Gottardo, F. Marabelli, D.S. Wiersma, L. Pavesi, L.C. Andreani, Wide-band transmission of nondistorted slow waves in one-dimensional optical superlattices, Applied Physics Letters Vol. 88 page 241103 (pdf)
F. Intonti, S. Vignolini, V. Türck, M. Colocci, P. Bettotti L. Pavesi, S. L. Schweizer, R.Wehrspohn, and D. Wiersma, Rewritable photonic circuits, Applied Physics Letters Vol. 89 page 211117 (pdf)
L. Cademartiri, J. Bertolotti, R. Sapienza, D.S. Wiersma, G. von Freymann, G.A. Ozin, Multigram scale, solventless, and diffusion-controlled route to highly monodisperse PbS nanocrystals, Journal of Physical Chemistry B Vol. 110 page 671 (pdf)
A.C Arsenault, T.J. Clark, G. Von Freymann, L. Cademartiri, R. Sapienza, J. Bertolotti, E. Vekris, S. Wong, V. Kitaev, I. Manners, R.Z. Wang, S. John, D.S. Wiersma, G.A. Ozin, From colour fingerprinting to the control of photoluminescence in elastic photonic crystals, Nature Materials Vol. 5 page 179 (pdf)
Marco Centini, Didier Felbacq, Diederick S.Wiersma, Concita Sibilia, Michael Scalora, Mario Bertolotti, Resonant second harmonic generation in Random dielectric structures, J. Europ. Opt. Soc. (Rapid Publ.) Vol. 1 page 06021
Alexandra Ledermann, Ludovico Cademartiri, Martin Hermatschweiler, Costanza Toninelli, Geoffrey A. Ozin, Diederik S. Wiersma, Martin Wegener, and Georg von Freymann, Three-dimensional silicon inverse photonic quasicrystals for infrared wavelengths, Nature Materials Vol. 5 page 942 (pdf)
Mher Ghulinyan, Zeno Gaburro, Diederik S. Wiersma, and Lorenzo Pavesi, Tuning of resonant Zener tunneling by vapor diffusion and condensation in porous optical superlattices, Physical Review B Vol. 74 page 045118 (pdf)


J. Bertolotti, S. Gottardo, D.S. Wiersma, M. Ghulinyan, L. Pavesi, Optical necklace states in Anderson localized 1D systems, Physical Review Letters Vol. 94 page 113903 (pdf)
D.S. Wiersma, R. Sapienza, S. Mujumdar, M. Colocci, M. Ghulinyan, L. Pavesi, Optics of nanostructured dielectrics, Journal of Optics A - Pure and Applied Optics Vol. 7 page S190
M. Ghulinyan, C.J. Oton, L. Dal Negro, L. Pavesi, R. Sapienza, M. Colocci M, D.S. Wiersma, Light-pulse propagation in Fibonacci quasicrystals, Physical Review B Vol. 71 page 094204 (pdf)
R. Sapienza, D.S. Wiersma, D. Delande, Anisotropic weak localization of light: From isotropic scattering to ordered nematic liquid crystals, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Vol. 429 page 193
C. Fort, L. Fallani, V. Guarrera, J.E. Lye, M. Modugno, D.S. Wiersma, and M. Inguscio, Effect of optical disorder and single defects on the expansion of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a one-dimensional waveguide, Physical Review Letters Vol. 95 page 170410 (pdf)
J.E. Lye, L. Fallani, M. Modugno, D.S. Wiersma, C. Fort, and M. Inguscio, Bose-Einstein condensate in a random potential, Physical Review Letters Vol. 95 page 070401 (pdf)
M. Gurioli, F. Bogani, L. Cavigli, H. Gibbs, G. Khitrova, and D.S. Wiersma, Weak Localization of Light in a Disordered Microcavity, Physical Review Letters Vol. 94 page 183901 (pdf)
L. Cademartiri, G. von Freymann, A.C. Arsenault, J. Bertolotti, D.S. Wiersma, V. Kitaev, and G.A. Ozin, Nanocrystals as precursors for flexible functional films, Small Vol. 1 page 1184
M. Ghulinyan, C. Oton, Z. Gaburro, L. Pavesi, R. Sapienza, P. Costantino, and D.S. Wiersma, Time resolved optical Bloch oscillations in porous silicon superlattice structures, Physica Status Solidi C Vol. 2 page 3283
M. Ghulinyan, C. Oton, Z. Gaburro, L. Pavesi, C. Toninelli and D.S. Wiersma, Zener tunneling of light waves in an optical superlattice, Physical Review Letters Vol. 94 page 127401 (pdf)


S. Mujumdar, M. Ricci, R. Torre, and D. S. Wiersma, Amplified Extended Modes in Random Lasers, Physical Review Letters Vol. 93 page 053903 (pdf)
Stephen C. Rand, Costas Soukoulis, Diederik Wiersma, Multiple Scattering, and Lasing in Random Nanomedia, Journal of the Optical Society of America B Vol. 21 page 98
S. Mujumdar, S. Cavalieri, and D.S. Wiersma, Temperature tunable random laser: numerical calculations and experiments, Journal of the Optical Society of America B Vol. 21 page 201
S. Gottardo, S. Cavalieri, O. Yaroshchuk, D.S. Wiersma, Quasi-two-dimensional diffusive random laser actionPhysical Review Letters Vol. 93 page 263901 (pdf)
C. Lienau, F. Intonti, T. Guenther, T. Elsaesser, V. Savona, R. Zimmermann and E. Runge, Near-field autocorrelation spectroscopy of disordered semiconductor quantum wells Physical Review B Vol. 63 page 085302 (pdf)
R. Sapienza, S. Mujumdar, C. Cheung, A.G. Yodh, D.S. Wiersma D, Anisotropic weak localization of light, Physical Review Letters Vol. 92 page 033903 (pdf)


P. Fischer, A.D. Buckingham, K. Beckwitt, D. S. Wiersma, and F. W. Wise, New electro-optic effect: Sum-frequency generation from optically active liquids in the presence of a dc electric field, Physical Review Letters Vol. 91 page 173901 (pdf)
L. Dal Negro, C.J. Oton, Z. Gaburro, L. Pavesi, P. Johnson, A. Lagendijk, R. Righini, M. Colocci, and D.S. Wiersma, Light transport through the bandedge states of Fibonacci quasicrystals, Physical Review Letters Vol. 90 page 055501 (pdf)
C. J. Oton, L. Dal Negro, Z. Gaburro, L. Pavesi, P. J. Johnson, A. Lagendijk, and D. S. Wiersma, Light propagation in porous silicon one dimensional complex systems, Physica Status Solidi A Vol. 197 page 298
V. Emiliani, F. Intonti, D. Wiersma, M. Colocci, M. Cazayous, F. Aliev and A. Lagendijk, Near-Field short range correlation in optical waves transmitted through random media , Physical Review Letters Vol. 90 page 250801 (pdf)
V. Emiliani, F. Intonti, D. Wiersma, M. Colocci, M. Cazayous, A. Lagendijk and F. Aliev, Near-field measurements of short range correlation in optical waves transmitted through random media , J. Microscopy Vol. 209 page 173 (pdf)
S. Gottardo, D.S. Wiersma, W.L. Vos, Liquid crystal infiltration of complex dielectrics, Physica B - Condensed Matter Vol. 338 page 143 (pdf)
R. Sapienza, P. Costantino, D.S. Wiersma, M. Ghulinyan, C.J. Oton, L. Pavesi, Optical analogue of electronic Bloch oscillations, Physical Review Letters Vol. 66 page 5473 (pdf)


M.Gurioli, F. Bogani, D. S. Wiersma, Ph. Roussignol, G. Cassabois, G. Khitrova, H. Gibbs, Optical characterization of semiconductor microcavity by spatially resolved imaging and resonant Rayleigh scattering, Physica Status Solidi A Vol. 190 page 363
D.S. Wiersma and S. Cavalieri, Temperature-controlled random laser action in liquid crystal infiltrated systems, Physical Review E Vol. 66 page 056612 (pdf)
D.S. Wiersma, R. Righini, M. Colocci, and F.M. Aliev, The optical analog of negative temperature coefficient resistance, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics Vol. 38 page 934 (pdf)
D.S. Wiersma, Light transport in opaque liquid crystal structures, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Vol. 375 page 15


D.S. Wiersma and S. Cavalieri, A temperature-tunable random laser, Nature Vol. 414 page 708 (pdf)
D.S. Wiersma, M. Colocci, R. Righini, and F. Aliev, Temperature-controlled light diffusion in random media, Physical Review B Vol. 64 page 144208 (pdf)
M. Gurioli, F. Bogani, D.S. Wiersma, Ph. Roussignol, G. Cassabois, G. Khitrova, and H. Gibbs, Experimental study of disorder in a semiconductor microcavity, Physical Review B Vol. 64 page 165309 (pdf)


P. Fischer, D.S. Wiersma, R. Righini, B. Champagne, and A.D. Buckingham, Three-wave mixing in chiral liquids, Physical Review Letters Vol. 85 page 4253 (pdf)
D.S. Wiersma, A. Muzzi, M. Colocci, and R. Righini, Time-resolved experiments on light diffusion in anisotropic random media, Physical Review E Vol. 62 page 6681 (pdf)
G. Labeyrie, C.A. Müller, D.S. Wiersma, Ch. Miniature, and R. Kaiser, Observation of coherent backscattering of light by cold atoms, Journal of Optics B Vol. 2 page 672
D.S. Wiersma, The smallest random laser, Nature Vol. 406 page 132 (pdf)
B. v. Tiggelen, A. Lagendijk, and D.S. Wiersma, Reflection and transmission of waves near the localization threshold, Physical Review Letters Vol. 84 page 4333 (pdf)


D.S. Wiersma, A. Muzzi, M. Colocci, and R. Righini, Time-resolved anisotropic multiple light scattering in nematic liquid crystals, Physical Review Letters Vol. 83 page 4321 (pdf)
D.S. Wiersma, P. Bartolini, A. Lagendijk, and R. Righini, Localization of Light in a disordered medium, Nature Vol. 390 page 671 (pdf)




D.S. Wiersma, Light follows the example of electrons: the photonic Hall effect and optical magneto resistance, Physics World Vol. 10 page 25 (pdf)
W. Deng, D.S. Wiersma, and Z.Q. Zhang, Coherent Backscattering of Light From Media With Inhomogeneous Gain Coefficient, Physical Review B Vol. 56 page 178 (pdf)
D.S. Wiersma and A. Lagendijk, Interference Effects in Multiple Light Scattering with Gain, Physica A Vol. 241 page 82
D.S. Wiersma and A. Lagendijk, Laser Action in Very White Paint, Laser Action in Very White Paint Vol. 10 page 33


D.S. Wiersma and A. Lagendijk, Light Diffusion with Gain and Random Lasers, Physical Review E Vol. 54 page 4256 (pdf)


D.S. Wiersma, M.P. van Albada, and A. Lagendijk, Coherent Backscattering of Light from Amplifying Random Media, Physical Review Letters Vol. 75 page 1739 (pdf)
D.S. Wiersma, M.P. van Albada, and A. Lagendijk, Random Laser?, Nature Vol. 373 page 203
B.A. van Tiggelen, D.S. Wiersma, and A. Lagendijk, Self-consistent Theory for the Enhancement Factor in Coherent Backscattering, Europhysics Letters Vol. 30 page 1
D.S. Wiersma, M.P. van Albada, B.A. van Tiggelen, and A. Lagendijk, Experimental Evidence for Recurrent Multiple Scattering Events of Light in Disordered Media, Physical Review Letters Vol. 74 page 4193 (pdf)
D.S. Wiersma, M.P. van Albada, and A. Lagendijk, An Accurate Technique to Record the Angular Distribution of Backscattered Light, Review of Scientific Instruments Vol. 91 page 263902





M. Ghulinyan, Z. Gaburro, L. Pavesi, C.J. Oton, N.Capuj, R. Sapienza, C. Toninelli, P. Costantino, and D.S. Wiersma, Optical Superlattices: Where Photons Behave Like Electrons, New Topics in Lasers and Electro-Optics (Nova Science Publishers)


Mher Ghulinyan, Riccardo Sapienza, Costanza Toninelli, Claudio Oton, Paola Costantino, Zeno Gaburro, Diederik Wiersma, Lorenzo Pavesi, Bloch oscillations and resonant Zener tunneling of light in optical superlattices, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 5840, 421


Sushil Mujumdar, Renato Torre, Stefano Cavalieri, and Diederik S. Wiersma, Experiments and numerical simulations on lasing in random media, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 5508, 226
L. Dolgov, Oleg V. Yaroshchuk, A. V. Koval'chuk, and Diederik S. Wiersma, Low-frequency dielectric relaxation in liquid crystal-polymer composites, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 5507, 215




D.S. Wiersma, S. Gottardo, R. Sapienza, S. Mujumdar, S. Cavalieri, M. Colocci, R. Righini, L. dal Negro, C. Oton, M. Ghulinyan, Z.Gaburro, L. Pavesi, F. Aliev, P. Johnson, A. Lagendijk, W. Vos, Light transport in complex photonic systems: From random lasers to photonic crystals, NATO Advanced study institute: Wave scattering in complex media (Cargèse)
L. Dal Negro, C. J. Oton, Z. Gaburro, L. Pavesi, P. J. Johnson, A. Lagendijk, and D. S. Wiersma, Time resolved light propagation at the band-edge states of 1D Fibonaci quasicrystals, Proceedings of Materials Research Society spring meeting Volume 722, L6.9.1


B.A. van Tiggelen, A. Lagendijk, and D.S. Wiersma, Radiative transfer of localized waves, Proceedings of the Nato advance studies institute on photonic crystals and light localization (NATO ASI series)




D.S. Wiersma, A. Muzzi, M. Colocci, and R. Righini, Multiple light scattering in nematic liquid crystals, Lecture notes in physics 547, Statistical and Dynamical Aspects of Mesoscopic Systems (Springer, Berlin)


R. Maynard, B. van Tiggelen, G. Maret, A. Lagendijk, and D.S. Wiersma, Coherent backscattering and localization, Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, New Aspects of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Diffusion (Springer, Berlin)
D.S. Wiersma, Experiments on Anderson Localization of Electromagnetic Waves, Proceedings of the Ecole de Physique des Houches Diffuse waves in complex media (Les Houches)
A. Lagendijk and D.S. Wiersma, Localization of light, Proceedings of the Fourth international conference on mathematics and numerical aspects of wave propagation (Philadelphia)


D.S. Wiersma, Interference of Light After a Random Walk, Proceeding of the International School of Physics 'Enrico Fermi' (Academic, New York)


D.S. Wiersma, M.P. van Albada, and A. Lagendijk, Precise Weak Localization Experiments in Random Structures, Progress in Electromagnetic Research (Kluwer, Dordrecht)
M.P. van Albada, D.S. Wiersma, and A. Lagendijk, Experimental Evidence for Loop-Type Photon Trajectories in Random Media with Strong Disorder, Advances in Optical Imaging and Photon Migration Vol. 21 page 25 (OSA, Washington)
D.S. Wiersma, M.P. van Albada, and A. Lagendijk, Accurate Analysis of Coherent Backscattering revealing Recurrent Scattering of Light in Disordered Media, Advances in Optical Imaging and Photon Migration Vol. 21 page 53 (OSA, Washington)



Romolo Savo, Transport in complex heterogeneous photonic structures
Mupparapu Rajeshkumar, Absorption enhancement by light scattering for solar energy applications
Sara Nocentini, Fotonica tridimensionale su polimero (pdf)


Marco Grisi, Lévy walks and anomalous diffusion of light in bounded systems
Gaurasundar Marc Conley, Photon Transport in 2D Correlated Disorder and Applications for Photovoltaics (pdf)
Lorenzo Cortese, Nanostrutture Fotoniche Tridimensionali con Disordine Controllato (pdf)


Filippo Pratesi, Assorbimento Ottico in Sistemi Mesoscopici quasi-bidimensionali (pdf)
Thomas Huisman, Faster than diffusive light - Temporal behavior of superdiffusive light (pdf)


Pierre Barthelemy, Anomalous transport of light (pdf)
Silvia Vignolini, Sub-wavelength probing and modification of complex photonic structures (pdf)
Lorenzo Pattelli, Caratterizzazione della superdiffusione della luce in vetri di Lévy (pdf)


Jacopo Bertolotti, Light transport beyond diffusion (pdf)


Costanza Toninelli, Light transport in photonic structures: interplay between order and disorder (pdf)




Matteo Burresi, Proprietà ottiche di cristalli fotonici tridimensionali infiltrati con cristalli liquidi (pdf)
Silvia Vignolini, Micro-infiltrazione controllata di cristalli fotonici in due dimensioni: circuiti ottici riscrivibili (pdf)
Riccardo Sapienza, Photonic nano materials: anisotropic transport and optical Bloch oscillations (pdf)


Stefano Gottardo, Tunable photonic materials and random lasers (pdf)


Jacopo Bertolotti, Studio sulla localizzazione della luce in sistemi disordinati unodimensionali (pdf)


Diederik Sybolt Wiersma, Light in strongly scattering and amplifying random media (pdf)

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